Clean drinking water, solar energy in Madagascar

April 30, 2010
ST. AUGUSTIN, Madagascar, April 30, 2010 -- As a result of the high poverty rate and missing infrastructure a big part of the population of Madagascar has no access to clean drinking water and no electrical power supply...

ST. AUGUSTIN, Madagascar, April 30, 2010 -- As a result of the high poverty rate and missing infrastructure a big part of the population of Madagascar has no access to clean drinking water and no electrical power supply. Trunz Water Systems supported the Swiss based NGO "ADES" and installed a solar powered water treatment plant within the framework of a pilot project. The goal of the project is gaining convincing results in order to show the government of Madagascar how the utilisation of renewable energy provides a lasting and reliable solution to the electrical power and water supply. In addition, renewable energy leads to an improvement in the quality of life for the people and a stop of the constant deforestation.

Many families who live in isolated villages on Madagascar have no access to clean drinking water. Wells are contaminated with viruses and bacteria and consuming this water leads to diseases. Among drinking water, many people miss electrical power supply. On Madagascar it is still common to cook with wood on a fireplace or to use fire in the evening as a source of light. For years the forests were deforested.

First test with the installed water treatment plant from Trunz Water Systems.In 2009, "ADES" started a pilot project for the use of renewable energy in order to electrify isolated areas on Madagascar. The target of the project is the successful implementation of solar technology under harsh conditions (climate and know-how) as well as presenting a lasting solution for the infrastructure improvement in poor areas which leads to an improvement in the quality of life.

For the pilot project the village St. Augustin on Madagascar was selected. Solar arrays were installed in different places in the village. These solar plants supply the inhabitants with enough electricity for lights, radio and the cooling of medicine. In addition, a Trunz Water System was installed in the ADES Solar Centre. The water treatment plant supplies approx. 800 litres of clean drinking water per hour and operates with solar power completely self-sufficient. The plant distinguishes itself particularly by its exceptionally low energy consumption, compactness and simplicity in the operation. The water treatment plant is designed to work under difficult climate conditions (air temperature, humidity, sand/dust).

Until October 2009 the kids knew refreshing, drinking water only from bottled water which they couldn't afford.The plant is working now for more than half a year and is producing clean drinking water every day for the inhabitants in and around the ADES Solar Centre. Web:

About Trunz Water Systems
The Swiss based company Trunz Water Systems developed, manufactures and distributes sustainable and cost effective solutions for water purification and desalination as well as solar power centres. The innovative company offers lasting solutions for the decentralised potable water and electricity supply in remote areas. The units are exceptionally energy efficient, independent, compact and environmentally friendly.

Up to now, the Trunz Water Systems are already operating in more than 30 countries all over the world. All of the water treatment systems need low maintenance and are easy to install. The capacity depends on the raw water quality and ranges from 7'000 to 25'000 litres a day.

Trunz' innovative and environmentally friendly technology produces clean drinking water from polluted water and salt water with solar and/or wind energy. An ultrafiltration membrane or a reverse osmosis system (for sea or brackish water) removes all virus and bacteria (and salts) without requiring toxic chemical treatment. Web:


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