About Advanced Valve Technologies® (AVT)
Product Summary
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
United States
More Info on Advanced Valve Technologies® (AVT)

Advanced Valve Technologies® (AVT) is part of ClockSpring|NRI, the high-performance critical infrastructure solutions company. The AVT EZ Valve® insertion valve, can be installed on water pipelines sized from 1.5” to 24″ (40mm to 600mm) without shutting off the water and in many cases, in under an hour.
The AVT EZ Valve, an insertion valve for water pipes, has proved itself to be quicker to install, uses an innovative cutting technique, and can be installed at full pressure with no need to shut off the water supply. The AVT EZ Valve is installed using the innovative EZ Valve toolkit which includes the EM (end milling) machines which cuts a slot out of the pipe meaning there is no possibility of coupon drop and the integrity of the pipe is not affected.
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AVT EZ Valve Installation Process
AVT at AWWA ACE 2019
Advanced Valve Technologies Harry Gray - BizCastHQ
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AVT EZ Valve Installation
AVT EZValve installation