More Info on Ixom

Ixom Watercare is the North American operation of Ixom, located in Denver, CO. Ixom Watercare is now comprised of two business units: MIEX® - magnetic ion exchange processes and solutions and Watercare Innovations, a total water management solutions provider. The MIEX® process is a proven solution for water treatment plants to decrease Disinfection By-Product formation by reducing Dissolved Organic Carbon levels and total oxidant demand while lowering total net operational costs. MIEX® Treatment Systems have a small process footprint, low headloss, very low waste volumes and are not subject to chromatographic peaking, allowing ion exchange to be used in a wide variety of applications. Watercare Innovations provides services to get you water where you need it, how you need it and for a cost that you can afford. We provide a full range of services including Laboratory testing, process and flow sheet development, comprehensive equipment and technology supply, chemical and IX screening, ongoing O&M support, Plant audits, process analysis, optimization and upgrades, operator training, chemicals, parts and consumables management and supply, and service agreements.