Web site: http://www.produced-water-reuse-rockies-2014.com
With the demand for water for hydraulic fracturing in the Rocky Mountains set to double by 2015, it is estimated that cost reductions per barrel of oil of between 24 - 46% could be achieved through the application of advanced water recycling techniques in the region
Finding the most economical ways of reusing produced water will therefore be one of the key drivers for reducing the cost of operations for E&Ps working in unconventional plays in the Rockies. Meanwhile, operators need to determine how they can effectively source freshwater resources within increasingly stringent regulations and dispose of produced water cost-effectively where reuse is not possible.
To help with this, the 4th Annual Produced Water Reuse Initiative 2014: Rocky Mountains Tight Oil & Shale Gas Plays will be featuring a totally revamped agenda this year with 18+ operator case studies exclusively from companies working in the Bakken, Niobrara and other plays in the DJ, Powder River, Uinta & Piceance Basins.
Operators at the event will be examining the optimal water treatment storage and recycling strategies for minimizing the cost of reusing produced water for completions in Rocky Mountains tight oil and shale gas plays and determining the most cost-effective water sourcing & disposal strategies.