March is here and it’s hard to believe that at the end of the month it will be time for WQA Aquatech USA exhibition and conference in Las Vegas. The WQA Annual Convention and Tradeshow is known for providing a variety of seminars, networking events and introducing the newest technologies available to the market. However, this year, the industry is anticipating the introduction of a new and expanded show brought on by the partnership between WQA and Amsterdam RAI, a major show producer, well known for the Aquatech Amsterdam show that takes place every two years.
The change has been the talk of the industry since it was first announced in the summer of last year. The new event will feature a wide variety of meetings, educational sessions and training, networking opportunities and exhibits. Representatives from various aspects of the water industry will bring together a comprehensive array of products and services.
What’s Different?
The term “growth” is defined as an increase in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion—and this year’s WQA Aquatech USA Exhibition and Conference is promising to deliver nothing less.
It will welcome back all of its existing exhibitors and attendees, as well as add new aspects and technology areas of the industry, bringing together the residential, commercial, industrial, high purity/ultrapure, as well as some wastewater and municipal water vendors all under one roof.
Why Attend?
In addition to the three-day exhibit (starting on March 30 through April 1) the show offers various training opportunities. This year a number of other association will participate with educational sessions focusing on all aspects of the water industry to further benefit attendees at the show. Contributing associations include the Association of Water Technologies, the International Bottled Water Association, the International Ozone Association, the International Ultraviolet Association, the International Water Conference, and of course, the WQA.
The sessions are formatted so there is no conflict with the tradeshow hours.
What’s New?
Every March issue of Water Quality Products dedicates a section that highlights the WQA exhibition in order to help you gather ideas and gain the most from the exhibition. This year is no different. Beginning on page 18, you will find an exhaustive Show Section highlighting exhibitor products, educational sessions and schedule of events.
New to the show, Water Quality Products together with Water & Wastes Digest magazine in concert with WQA’s new direction bring experience and information covering the municipal, industrial, commercial and residential water markets. Be sure to visit Water Quality Products and Water & Wastes Digest’s booth (#553) and take advantage of the experience that Water Quality Products and Water & Wastes Digest bring to the water industry.
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