
Denver, US 80202


About WaterFilterGuru.com


Denver, US 80202
(970) 658-0543‬

More Info on WaterFilterGuru.com

Our mission

We want to help everyone have access to fresh, clean water!

Water is necessary to all walks of life on our beautiful planet is something each and every one of us needs to thrive and live healthily. We humans need to be drinking at least 64 ounces of water each and every day!

At WaterFilterGuru.com we believe everyone should have access to this essential resource. Our mission is to help you find information, products and solutions to address your water quality needs.

How do we help you?

We recognize that there are a multitude of water quality issues you could be facing. Not only that, but hundreds of brands and products to solve these problems.

We cut through the noise, sharing our in-depth research and insights so you can identify what specific water problem you are facing and choose the best solution in response.

Hundreds and hundreds of hours are put into researching, writing, double and triple checking each and every article we produce to ensure it is both useful and accurate.

With our in-depth guides and reviews you can get all the details or use our comparison charts to quickly gather the most important information at a glance.

We are proudly part of the Water Quality Association, and stand to uphold the core values of ethics and integrity while advocating for, and educating about, our shared passion for water quality improvement for all.

Our team

WaterFilterGuru was started by Brian Campbell, a water geek who loves playing in the water, with water and on the water. Brian is staying on the cutting edge of water quality research, tinkering with products and helping people get the solution that best suits their needs.

Our in-depth research

This is what sets us apart from other sites.

We have a dedicated research team who compiles detailed information into actionable guides and reviews, with your health in mind.

That's us!

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and get to know us! Its our goal to provide the most transparent information possible in all the content we produce. However, if you have any questions, reach out to us.

The WaterFilterGuru.com team

Learn More about WaterFilterGuru.com

Articles & News


What is Ion Exchange?

Feb. 25, 2022
Ion exchange is the process of exchanging unwanted dissolved ions with more desirable ions. This guide will look at the ion exchange process in detail, including how it works,...

What is Reverse Osmosis & How Does it Work?

Jan. 21, 2022
Breaking down reverse osmosis technology and how it works

What is Chloramine in Water Treatment?

Dec. 22, 2021
Breaking down what is chloramine in water treatment, & the pros &. cons of chloramine use

Top 5 Rising Consumer Trends Related to Water Quality

Nov. 15, 2021
Hint: Increased demand for filtered water & the rising importance of sustainability are top drivers

What is Hard Water?

Oct. 21, 2021
What is hard water & how can it be managed?

What is Arsenic?

Aug. 20, 2021
What is arsenic, how does it get into drinking water and how is it removed from drinking water supplies

What is Water Softening?

Aug. 2, 2021
Breaking down water softening & how water is softened

What Are Water Distillers & How Do They Work?

Aug. 2, 2021
Breaking down water distillers, how they work, what contaminants they remove & more

How to Build a Digital Presence for Your Water Quality Business in 2021

Aug. 2, 2021
This article originally appeared in WQP April/May 2021 issue as "Digital Marketing Fundamentals"

Top 5 Innovations in Water Quality Technology of 2020

Aug. 2, 2021
Wrapping up 2020, take a look at the top 5 innovations in water quality technology