Shannon Ethridge

Shannon Ethridge is a board certified toxicologist (American Board of Toxicology) and Risk Assessor with 17+ years of professional experience. Shannon graduated from the University of Texas, School of Pharmacy with an M.S. in Pharmacy, and graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in Biology from Texas State University. During this time, she has worked on a great variety of drinking water-related issues. Currently, she conducts product reviews for plumbing and water treatment products, makes recommendations for product certification decisions, conducts chemical assessments, and provides general toxicological support at IAPMO R&T. All the toxicological reviews and chemical assessments she conducts are related to chemicals that may leach into drinking water including phthalates, metals (e.g., Arsenic, Lead, Hexavalent Chromium), PFOA, and many other chemicals of concern. Prior to working at IAPMO R&T, Shannon served as a regulatory toxicologist and risk assessor at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Her experience includes environmental and public health issues (e.g., chemical and baseline risk assessments, disaster response, risk assessment guidelines, toxicity factor development, air quality, drinking water contamination, and soil contamination). Shannon has worked with many different stakeholders and currently serves on several committees related to drinking water issues.

Ethridge can be reached at [email protected].