Fairbanks Morse to supply thirteen pumps for flood control in New Orleans

July 15, 2009
KANSAS CITY, KS, July 15, 2009 -- Fairbanks Morse Pump has been awarded a contract for approximately $70,000,000 to supply thirteen (13) 140" model 6310 axial flow propeller pumps to The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for New Orleans, LA...

KANSAS CITY, KS, July 15, 2009 -- Fairbanks Morse Pump (Kansas City, KS operation) has been awarded a contract for approximately $70,000,000 to supply thirteen (13) 140" model 6310 axial flow propeller pumps to The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for New Orleans, LA. The contract is a part of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway West Closure Complex, a more than $500 million project. This project will function as a major component of the Greater New Orleans Hurricane Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS), with emphasis on achieving the intermediate goal of surge barrier, reducing the risk of storm surge for residents and businesses in the west bank area of New Orleans.

These massive pumps will handle all flows exiting from 22 miles of levees/floodwalls and ten pump stations into the Harvey and Algiers Canals, offering protection during a hurricane event. Each pump is rated at 689,200 gallons per minute (GPM) and are driven by 5500 HP diesel engines via right angle gear drives. Delivery of the pumps is set to commence in early 2010 and culminate in 2011. Equipment will be provided through Parson & Sanderson, Inc. and installed by M. R. Pittman Group, LLC of Harahan, Louisiana. This pump station is expected to be the largest pump station in the world.

Fairbanks Morse Pump is based in Kansas City, Kansas and enjoys a history of more than 100 years manufacturing custom‐designed pumping equipment for water and wastewater facilities the world over. This contract is the largest pump contract in the history of Fairbanks Morse Pump.

Pentair is a diversified operating company serving the commercial, industrial, municipal and residential markets through innovative solutions under strong brand names. Pentair's Water Group, including Fairbanks Morse, helps deliver safe, clean water to people who need it. With 13,400 employees worldwide, Pentair generated 2008 sales of $3.35 billion.


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