Click here to enlarge imagePipe joint repairMiller Pipeline Corp. offers WEKO-SEAL®, a trenchless system for internally renewing leaking joints in any pipe from 16 inches diameter up through 216 inches diameter and larger. These seals are flexible EPDM rubber leak clamps that ensure a bottle-tight seal around the full inside circumference of the pipe joint area. Installed internally with up to 5000 feet between access points, they can be used in reinforced concrete pipe, cast iron, ductile iron, steel, cement lined or unlined pipe.
Miller Pipeline Corp.Indianapolis, INTel: 317-293-0278Web:
Stormwater UV disinfectionFor stormwater and wastewater projects, Ozonia North America offers in-pipe ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection systems that employ medium pressure UV lamp technology. The very high output, medium pressure UV lamps provide disinfection for high flow turbid waters. An automatic quartz tube wiper is available to extend system on-line operation and to reduce off-line cleanings. Integrated electronics provide energy efficiency by adjusting output to changing flow conditions.
Ozonia North America, Inc.Elmwood Park, NJTel: 201-794-3100
Water modeling softwareXP Software offers the XP-SWMM2000 software for modeling storm water networks and wastewater systems, including real-time control, pollutant generation and the simulation of hydraulics in combined systems of open and or closed conduits including multiple boundary conditions. GIS import/export is available.
XP SoftwarePortland, ORTel: 888-554-5022Web: