DUBLIN, Ireland, Nov. 3, 2009 -- Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Urban Watersheds" report to their offering.
This new book by leading U.S. stormwater experts is a guide to the main techniques for controlling pollutants from diffuse, mainly wet weather, sources. The volume provides a mass of valuable data on the removal efficiencies, costs, and design parameters of all main runoff control structures -- from ponds to swales -- for large developments to small parking lots. The book gives planners from the county to state levels the up-to-date information needed to incorporate the best and lowest cost methods of controlling wet weather flows into their watershed management programs.
The book covers all the essential elements of stormwater control from basic design issues to monitoring -- and provides critical data on their effectiveness. Covered here are structural, as well as nonstructural (e.g., educational), techniques.
With the information in this book, community water planners and developers can implement the best practices for reducing the environmental impact of wet weather flows. The book will help them protect -- and restore -- overall surface and groundwater quality.
- Presents and compares all major stormwater/runoff control strategies
- New data on pollutant removal efficiencies, design, costs, environmental impacts and more
- Where and why to use the best techniques for limiting/monitoring diffuse pollution
- Provides the tools to meet regulations and improve water quality in urban/suburban watersheds
For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/83a477/the_use_of_best_ma.