• Metropolitan District of Connecticut to utilize MWH Soft industry-leading GIS-centric technology in support of billion-dollar capital improvement project
BROOMFIELD, CO, June 10, 2009 -- MWH Soft, a leading global provider of environmental and water resources applications software, today announced that the Metropolitan District of Connecticut (MDC), has chosen MWH Soft's industry-leading InfoSWMM Executive Suite software for its advanced wastewater and stormwater modeling. The decision equips MDC with the most technologically advanced ArcGIS-centric (ESRI, Redlands CA) software platform available for modeling, designing and managing its wastewater infrastructure.
Since 1929, MDC has managed the Hartford, Connecticut, region's water and sewer systems, which were developed in the 1850's. As the region has expanded, investments in the system have increased sewer capacity and wastewater treatment capabilities that minimize the impact of sewage on area waterways. To further improve the area's water quality and help protect the health and safety of citizens during storm events, MDC has now embarked on the $1 billion Clean Water Project.
The project includes three basic elements: (1) reduction of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) with the Hartford central sewer system, (2) elimination of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in the sanitary sewers of five adjacent towns and (3) nitrogen reduction. The existing sewer systems have more than 38 CSOs and eight active SSOs which release a total of over a billion gallons of wastewater to area waterways. More than 50 times a year, over 30 miles of the Connecticut River are impacted by untreated sewage during storm events.
"The ability to accurately model our sewer systems and provide accurate design and analysis simulations of their hydraulic and hydrologic responses is critical to making informed, cost-effective decisions and optimizing capital planning," said Constantin Banciulescu, Principal Engineer at MDC. "Although a number of software products can generate hydraulic simulations of sewer collection systems, we felt that MWH Soft's InfoSWMM was the clear choice for this complex project. It gives us the ability to quickly and easily develop, calibrate and analyze the many hydraulic computer models we will need for the City of Hartford and the surrounding towns.
"Many factors influenced our choice, including seamless ArcGIS integration and the ability to create, edit, modify, run, map, analyze, design and optimize sewer network models and instantly review, query, and display simulation results from within ArcGIS. We also based our decision on the responsiveness and reliability of MWH Soft's technical support. We use other MWH Soft products, and their support staff has always provided us with prompt and expert service."
As a full-featured urban drainage network analysis and design program, InfoSWMM delivers the highest rate of return in the industry. All operations of a typical sewer system -- from analysis and design to management functions such as water quality assessment, pollution prediction, urban flooding, real-time control and recordkeeping -- are addressed in a single, fully integrated GIS-centric environment.
The program offers users unprecedented power in managing urban runoff and wet weather water quality problems in combined, sanitary and storm sewers; optimizing BMP and LID designs; and meeting SSO and CSO regulations. It also features highly sophisticated Real-Time Control (RTC) schemes to enhance the operational management of wastewater systems and hydraulic structures. InfoSWMM delivers unparalleled performance modeling that sets new benchmarks in scalability, reliability, functionality and flexibility within the powerful ArcGIS environment. It is the world's first and only urban drainage modeling solution to be certified by the National Association of GIS-Centric Software (NAGCS). Its powerful hydraulic computational engine is also endorsed by the U.S. EPA and certified by FEMA.
The InfoSWMM Executive Suite further enhances the product with added modules for synthesizing conduit storage, automated subcatchment delineation, genetic algorithm-based design and calibration, accurate calculation and allocation of dry weather loading, pond design, risk and consequence assessment of flooding and overflows, Google Earth and ArcExplorer integration, and rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration (RDII) analysis tools.
"The MDC is tackling an ambitious project -- to update a 19th century collection system to 21st century standards -- and InfoSWMM is the perfect tool to assist in these efforts," said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D, President and COO of MWH Soft. "We're continuing to see progressive utilities choose the unprecedented power, versatility, and ease of use of our GIS-centric product line for water, sewer, and stormwater modeling. Their decisions are being driven by a range of compelling factors, including unparalleled ArcGIS integration, speed, brevity of learning curve, powerful, comprehensive feature sets and superior technical support. We congratulate MDC for their commitment to using world-class software tools to benefit their customers."
MWH Soft is a leading global provider of technical and infrastructure software and professional solutions designed to meet the technological needs of utilities, government industries, and engineering organizations worldwide.