ALPHARETTA, GA, Dec. 1, 2009 -- MACTEC has been has been retained by Lexington County, SC to enhance the County's stormwater management program. Allen Kibler, President of MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Inc., made the announcement.
Lexington County, pop. 248,518, is located in central South Carolina. County seat is Lexington.
According to MACTEC Project Manager/Principal Engineer Dave J. Briglio, key services to ensure compliance with the County's NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Phase II permit include:
• Watershed planning services to identify solutions to problems related to both water quality and flooding. These efforts will support floodplain management requirements set forth by FEMA and enforced by the County, as well as identifying water quality BMPs (Best Management Practices; new and retrofitted) to support TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) requirements.
• Consolidate GIS and database stormwater inventory data collected by the County, seven other NPDES Phase II Program permit holders, and assess the value of the data.
• Use GIS screening to identify potential "hot spots" for pollutant loads or illicit discharges which will save the County time and effort as they implement their sampling/monitoring program.
• Identify and potentially implement an alternative funding option to support the stormwater management program.
• Aid the County is pursuing grant funding opportunities.
• Review and identify ways to improve the format and presentation of the Land Development Manual.
• Support the County's annual stormwater reporting to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) as well as reviewing and negotiating terms and conditions of the NPDES permit with the SCDHEC.
• Perform analyses to support development of new TMDLs and/or validation of the current TMDLs, and in some cases to avoid new TMDLs by delisting impaired streams currently included on the State's 303(d) List of Impaired Waters.
• Update the County's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Manual.
MACTEC (, based in Alpharetta, GA, is a leading engineering and design, environmental, and construction firm focused on four strategic business lines: Industrial/Commercial, Infrastructure (Transportation and Municipal), Energy, and Federal. MACTEC offers an ever-broadening portfolio of sustainable solutions, from renewable energy to industrial facility asset management. With annual revenues over $490 million, MACTEC's 3,000-plus employees work from over 80 offices nationwide.