Product Showcase

Dec. 1, 2008
The Vacon X5 AC drive is housed in an enclosure designed for harsh environments, enduring dirt, dust, humidity and liquids.

AC drives

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The Vacon X5 AC drive is housed in an enclosure designed for harsh environments, enduring dirt, dust, humidity and liquids. The drive is ideally suited for water and wastewater applications. The drive features a real-time clock to schedule operation and data collection; a USB port to transport or copy data; a 25-step PLC application to automate internal and external actions; flexible control via keypad; terminal strip; optional 115 vAC or field bus, and wireless IR programming.

Vacon Group
Chambersburg, PA
Tel: 877-822-6606 Web:
Circle No. 200 on Reader Service Card

Tank mixing

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Many potable water tanks or reservoirs depend on a typical common inlet/outlet to maintain drinking water quality. This system often proves inadequate when water outside the common inlet/outlet area of influence becomes stagnant, creating dead spots where bacteria are likely to multiply. Tideflex Technologies’ Tideflex® Mixing System (TMS) greatly improves the quality of drinking water in finished water storage reservoirs. The TMS is a combination of patented Tideflex Check Valve technology and a piping manifold that separates the inlet and outlet. The system can be installed in new or existing water storage tanks of all shapes and sizes to eliminate stagnation and short-circuiting. Operating on the differential pressure that is already in place, the system keeps energy costs low, while the all-elastomer check valves render the system virtually maintenance free.

Tideflex Technologies
Carnegie, PA
Tel: 412-279-0044
Circle No. 201 on Reader Service Card

Pipe rehabilitation services

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ARCADIS’ Find & Fix program is a turn-key project delivery program for water main and sewer rehabilitation. It combines field investigation and engineering analysis with actual rehabilitation, while allowing the client to maintain “real-time” project control. It can be used to combine, streamline and expedite traditional project delivery methods, ultimately producing faster results at a lower overall cost.

Highlands Ranch, CO
Tel: 336-292-2271
Circle No. 203 on Reader Service Card

Ozone treatment

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Pacific Ozone recently released a new integrated ozone system, the Horizon Series. The system seamlessly integrates the four critical elements of ozone systems – feed gas preparation/oxygen concentration, ozone generation, mass transfer, and process control – in complete skid-based, stainless steel systems. The series is designed for applications in wastewater treatment and other industrial applications. Its basic features may be augmented by two comprehensive options packages. A host of additional optional accessories allow the units to be tailored to the specific needs of each application.

Pacific Ozone Technology
Benicia, CA
Tel: 707-747-9600
Circle No. 202 on Reader Service Card

Cavity pumps

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seepex has released a new axially split stator, designated the “SST” design, for its line of BN progressive cavity pumps. It can be supplied on a new seepex pump or can replace conventional tube-type stators on pumps currently in use. Unlike previous designs of progressive cavity pumps, additional space at the discharge of the pump is not needed to remove the stator. Replacement can be done in-situ and in less than one-fourth the time of conventional pumps which may require well over 1,000 lb. ft. to twist on a new stator. With the SST stator, compression is set after the two halves are fitted on the rotor. Compression of the stator on the rotor is easily determined by the amperage draw on the electric motor. The unique retensioning mechanism will extend the service life of the stator two to three times that of conventional molded-to-metal stators.

seepex Inc.
Enon, OH
Tel: 937-864-7150
Circle No. 206 on Reader Service Card

Butterfly valve

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Val-Matic’s American-BFV® Butterfly Valve line is now NSF/ANSI 61 certified for potable water in all styles and sizes ranging from 3"-144". The Butterfly Valve is offered in 150B and 250B AWWA Classes with flanged end connections in sizes 3"-144" and mechanical joint end connections in 4"-48". The Wafer Style Butterfly Valves are designed with alignment fins for mating with ANSI 125 flanges or ISO PN10 and PN16 flanges and are available in sizes 4"-12". The valves offer the advantage of a standard epoxy interior and a resilient seat design, which allows for field adjustment/replacement without the need for special tools or epoxies.

Val-Matic® Valve and Mfg. Corp.
Elmhurst, IL
Tel: 630-941-4672
Circle No. 204 on Reader Service Card

Submersible mixers

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The advanced blade-form and large propeller diameters of the new generation EMU submersible mixers from WILO provide an energy savings of approximately 10 percent, when compared with similar submersible mixers. Using thrust-to-power ratios (as defined in the new ISO 21630 standard, which allows an objective comparison of mixers) it has been demonstrated that new generation submersible mixers (such as the EMU Maxiprop TR 226 and Megaprop TR 326) can substantially reduce energy costs. The company can provide the specific energy savings potential of its new mixing technology for any facility — given the basic parameters of: application, operating hours, tank volume and current energy costs per kW. This service is provided free of charge to all facilities.

Thomasville, GA
Tel: 866-476-0323
Circle No. 207 on Reader Service Card

Water endpoint

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When considering an automated metering reading project, the endpoint flexibility, performance and reliability are vital considerations. Itron’s 60 Series water endpoint is compatible with major water meters with either encoded or pulse-generating registers and is available in two housing designs to support both water pit and remote installations. The series has various mounting options for ease of installation in different configurations. It requires no FCC license and delivers improved reading performance by using 50 randomly selected radio channels along with increased output power. The components are fully encapsulated for protection against harsh elements the extended battery life offers a lower cost of ownership. Advanced leak, reverse-flow (encoder versions only) and tamper detection provides increased operational value to water providers.

Itron Inc.
Spokane, WA
Circle No. 205 on Reader Service Card

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