Data loggers
TandD Corp. has introduced the new “S” Version of its TR–5 Data Loggers. The new units feature portability, waterproof construction and are battery operated. With a temperature range of –60° C to +150° C they are ideal for measuring and recording temperature in normal outdoor conditions as well as harsher frozen environments, frozen storage and high humidity situations. The data loggers have large LCD displays, “Out of Range” alarm function and can log up to 16,000 readings from 1/second to 1/hour.
TandD Corp.
Saratoga Springs, NY
Tel: 518–669–9227
Circle No. 252 on Reader Service Card
Valve key
Trumbull’s Valve and Curb Key Kit and adapters operate main valves, curb and meter stops, and a variety of curb box rods and lids. The base units work as an adjustable main valve key and come with an adapter that works on pentagon nuts and tee heads of curb and meter stops. Optional accessories include adapters for Erie/Minneapolis curb boxes, and a cleanout auger for removing sand and dirt from valve boxes.
Trumbull – Municipal Materials Division
Warren, OH
Tel: 330–393–1296
Circle No.253 on Reader Service Card
Check valves
Danfoss Flomatic has introduced the Model 80DI, Ductile Iron Check Valves. The 80DI series valves are a heavy duty in–line poppet style valve designed to prevent flow reversal. They are specifically designed for use with submersible pumps or other applications where it is necessary for the check valve to be installed in the well casing. The valves are suited for service in any application where a conventional check valve is recommended and is vertically mounted.
Danfoss Flomatic Corp.
Glens Falls, NY
Tel: 800–833–2040
Circle No. 260 on Reader Service Card
Water meter
SmartMeter™ water meters from Severn Trent Services have no moving parts and are not affected by the wear and subsequent accuracy problems that are caused by grit and particulates, thereby ensuring accurate measurement of water flows throughout the entire product lifetime. The meters are available as visual read meters or in a fully AMR enabled format using inductive pads, radio communications device or any form of automatic meter reading technology.
Severn Trent Services
Fort Washington, PA
Tel: 800–868–6201
Circle No. 254 on Reader Service Card
Calibration cylinders
Accudraw calibration cylinders from Primary Fluid Systems are used for the calibration of metering pumps. Available in PVC, polypropylene and glass construction in standard sizes from 100 ml to 20,000 ml, they provide a way to periodically check and calibrate the performance and accuracy of metering pumps. The cylinders are translucent; chemical and break resistant and have colored graduations and lettering.
Primary Fluid Systems Inc.
Burlington, Ontario
Tel: 800–776–6580
Circle No. 255 on Reader Service Card
Fire service meters
Neptune’s High Performance (HP) Protectus® III 4"–10" and HP Fire Service Turbine meters 3" through 10" have received official confirmation from the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) that they are NSF 61 certified. This is an industry first. With this approval the list of Neptune NSF 61 certified products includes the company’s T–10® Meters 5/8"– 2"; HP Tru/Flo® Compound Meters 2"; Tru/Flo Compound Meters 3" – 6"; HP Turbine Meters 1½" – 10"; HP Protectus® III Meter Assembly 4"–10"; HP Fire Service Turbine Meters 3"–10"; Strainers 2", 3", 4", 6", 8", 10"; and Aquity® Meter 5/8" – 2".
Neptune Technology Group Inc.
Tallassee, AL
Circle No. 261 on Reader Service Card
Low power transmitters
The Bristol® Series 2808, from Emerson Process Management, is a high performance transmitter offering very low power consumption. By minimizing the supply current to voltages as low as 6 vDC, the 2808 is perfect for remote applications which use power sources such as solar panels. The transmitter is available in pressure and differential pressure models. The flush diaphragm version eliminates the necessity of a remote seal and provides better performance over the operating pressure and temperature ranges.
Emerson Process Management
Watertown, CT
Tel: 860–945–2364
Circle No. 256 on Reader Service Card
Mapping software
Avenza Systems has released MAPublisher 7.6 for Adobe Illustrator. The software can be used to produce maps from GIS data. The new version is a full product update that is free of charge to all current MAPublisher Maintenance Program subscribers and replaces the current shipping version of the software for all new customers using Adobe Illustrator CS2 or CS3. It includes a new intelligent labeling engine, new grid, graticules and scalebar generators, a new and improved MAP attributes engine with expression builder, advanced selection filters and enhanced map index creation and image registration.
Avenza Systems Inc.
Tel: 416–487–5116
Circle No. 257 on Reader Service Card
Alarm software
OSIsoft, a developer of performance management software, has announced the availability of PI Notifications, an alarm and alerting infrastructure, and PI AF 2.0, the underlying structural database. PI Notifications and PI AF extend data management and real–time event notification delivery with intuitive visualization and a highly integrated infrastructure, enabling customers to access, organize and provide alerts on their data.
San Leandro, CA
Circle No. 262 on Reader Service Card
Calcium hardness monitor
Thermo Fisher Scientific has released the Orion 2120XP Calcium Hardness monitor, the latest in the company’s line of on–line water analysis products. The new monitor is suitable for use by personnel of all skill levels and offers simple instructions and flexible processes to minimize downtime and reduce costs. The monitor provides rapid detection of calcium hardness levels with sensitive, selective and verifiable measurements. It features a large, easy to view display for measurements at a glance.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Beverly, MA
Circle No. 258 on Reader Service Card
Stormwater chamber
Cultec’s new Recharger® 330XL stormwater chamber offers a number of added features and benefits over previous chambers. The chamber features a storage capacity of 52.2 ft³/unit, an increase of more than 12% over other chambers. System flexibility has also been enhanced by the inclusion of side portals on each chamber. These field–removable portals allow manifolding to take place at any point within the system, eliminating the need to build external manifolds, thereby increasing the amount of stormwater that may be stored in a given footprint.
Cultec Inc.
Brookfield, CT
Tel: 800–428–5832
Circle No. 259 on Reader Service Card
Reporting software
SyTech Inc. has announced a partnership with Elutions to re–brand its flagship product XLReporter as Excel Reporter. The product provides the key layer of technology that enables automatic, background report generation using Microsoft Office Excel. Excel Reporter is fully compatible with Microsoft Vista and all other Windows operating systems. Support for the Office Excel family has been extended to Excel 2007 using the new Office Fluent user interface. The software is designed specifically for Elutions customers.
SyTech, Inc.
Franklin, MA
Circle No. 263 on Reader Service Card