Products & Services: Filtration

Nov. 7, 2013
Collection of Filtration products and services.

Cloth media filter

The Aqua MegaDisk™ cloth media filter is an addition to Aqua-Aerobic Systems' line of cloth media filters. This filter features 30% larger diameter disks and fewer mechanical components in a fraction of the space. The result is more hydraulic capacity and lower capital and O&M cost. The Aqua MegaDisk filter achieves low-level TSS and NTU, and accommodates high solids and hydraulic loading rates. It also offers low backwash rates, low energy consumption and has a fully-automatic PLC control system. This filter is ideal for municipal reuse and phosphorus removal applications with limited land space or deep-bed filter retrofits.

Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.

Skidded filter systems

Keystone Filter offers small skid-mounted systems combining nanofiber, polypropylene, polyester, microfiberglass, and/or cellulose filter cartridges, as well as filter housings constructed of a variety of materials. These pre-packaged, skid-mounted systems can incorporate multiple technologies including filtration, membrane purification, ion exchange, and disinfection provided by UV or ozone. Skid-mounted systems can be used as a stand-alone unit or as additional pretreatment to enhance the performance of existing systems.

Keystone Filter, Met-Pro Corp.

Gravity sand filter

Municipal wastewater treatment is experiencing tremendous change with effluent discharge permits requiring higher levels of advanced treatment, including tertiary filtration. The Headworks BIO GSF, Gravity Sand Filter, is an upflow, continuous backwash, granular media filter that efficiently removes suspended and colloidal solids while providing a continuous supply of filtered water. The GSF is available in various circular and rectangular models for different flows and applications and is Title 22 Reuse Water certified. Applications include water reuse, phosphorus removal, surface water, and much more.

Headworks BIO Inc.

Filter cartridges

Hayward Flow Control announces the expansion of its Pleated Filter Cartridges to complement the CFLV Series filters. Manufactured in either polypropylene or cellulose media, the new cartridges provide high-surface filtration and comprehensive service life. The cartridges are designed for use with Hayward's CFLV and MFLV cartridge adapter kits and are ideal for multiple liquid purification requirements. The high-tech pleated media provides excellent particulate removal as well as low pressure drops. The greater surface area ensures longer service life than most filter bags due to higher flow and particulate holding capacity.

Hayward Flow Control, Hayward Industries


The Ashcroft® Model GC52 is a uniquely-compact wet-wet low differential pressure transmitter, ideal for measuring pressure drop across filters and membranes. With the push of a button, the GC52 can also provide direct flow readings by measuring dp across a deliberate restriction. It is available in unidirectional ranges from 0" to 4" through 0" to 400" WC and bi-directional ranges up to ± 200" WC. The GC52 also operates online (static) pressures up to 300 psi. A rugged aluminum NEMA 4X/IP65 enclosure measures only 2.56" in diameter and incorporates an LCD display for local reading. The output is a two-wire configurable 4-20 mA signal that can be adjusted to re-range the transmitter or "tare" unwanted fluid head preloads.

Ashcroft Inc.

Turbidity analyzer

The Triton TR8 Clear Water Sensor is ideal for all phases of drinking water processing including filter backwash. The sensor operates over a wide measurement range with output available in multiple units of 0.000 to 9,999 FNU, 0.00 to 3,000 ppm, 0.0 to 3.0 g/L, or 0 to 20%. It features an error rate of less than 5% of reading with repeatability greater than 1% of reading. Its assembly relies on a long life near an infrared LED light source (880 nm) and the 90-degree scattered light method in accordance with ISO 7027/EN 27027. Triton's sensor was developed for rugged water treatment environments and designed to operate at ambient temperatures from -5°C to +50°C (20°F to 120°F).

Electro-Chemical Devices

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