Click here to enlarge imageThe SGA24 from Pacific Ozone features an onboard oxygen system with a 3.2-lbs./day ozone generator in a wall-mountable stainless steel enclosure. Conveniently positioned controls include variable control, air and reactor cell pressure gauges, feed gas flow meter, an ozone output LED and analog reference meter. The system comes standard with 5-micron filter/regulator with auto drain, automatic over-temperature control and feed gas flow switch.
Pacific Ozone Technology
Tel: 925-634-7252
Fax: 925-634-7291
Package treatment system
USFilter offers the ActiFloctrademark system, which can treat surface water with high color, high TOC, or turbidity up to 1,000 NTU, with spikes to 3,000 NTU. The process combines the Actiflo clarification process and the Microfloc Mixed Media filter. The ActiFloc package plants are available in steel modular tanks of 0.25 to 4 MGD sizes. All are compact, with footprints only 20 percent the size of conventional systems of equivalent capacity. The plants feature instantaneous startup and chemical optimization within 15 minutes. A survey of more than 50 installations suggests that chemical use is reduced by 20 to 50 percent compared to conventional systems.
Sturbridge, MA
Tel: 508-347-4578
UV monitoring system