New Products

Sept. 1, 2000
Global Water's weather station is a fully integrated, computer-based station for monitoring and reporting all weather conditions. The station includes a datalogger for wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and humidity. Other sensors available are barometric pressure, solar radiation, rain, level, etc.

New Products

Weather station

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Global Water's weather station is a fully integrated, computer-based station for monitoring and reporting all weather conditions. The station includes a datalogger for wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and humidity. Other sensors available are barometric pressure, solar radiation, rain, level, etc.

Global Water

Fair Oaks, CA
Tel: 916-863-0804
Fax: 916-863-0315

Wastewater monitor

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The Bioscan on-line wastewater toxicity monitor from N-Con Systems monitors and records the effect of treated industrial effluents on municipal wastewater treatment plants or receiving waters. The monitor uses a sample of the activated sludge to determine treatability or inhibition. Where effluent is discharged to receiving waters, a broad range of screening cultures may be used as the reference organism. Data is continuously displayed on the monitor's screen. An optional on-board data logger stores up to 14 days of data. Data may be downloaded directly to a computer or transferred by a hand-held data transfer unit. An alarm contact is provided for early warning of inhibitory or toxic conditions.

N-Con Systems Co.
Crawford, GA
Tel: 706-743-8110
Fax: 706-743-8114

Wireless modem

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Data-Linc Group has added the SRM6200E wireless Ethernet radio modem with Smart Spectrumtrademark to its product line. The modem is license-free and provides a solution for systems where cable installation is difficult or cost prohibitive. The modem uses MAC layer bridging for true protocol transparency and fully supports TCP-IP-based protocols up to 15 miles away, within line of sight. The modem also provides remote PLC programming and diagnostics, and wireless connectivity between corporate IS and control. The modem employs the company's Smart Spectrum frequency hopping technology, which performs in high-interference environments.

Data-Linc Group
Redmond, WA
Tel: 425-882-2206
Fax: 425-867-0865

Crawler-mounted drill

Davey Drill offers a new crawler-mounted drill, the model DK-825. The drill is designed for large diameter mini-piles where large and continuous rotary torques are necessary. With all necessary timing controls installed as standard equipment, the weight and stability of the drill is ideal for jet-grouting applications where longer drilling strokes and tall mast extensions are desirable. Weighing approximately 53,000 pounds, the drill is powered by a Caterpillar 3126T water-cooled diesel rated at 240 hp.

Davey Drill Division, Davey Kent Inc.
Kent, OH
Tel: 330-673-5400
Fax: 330-673-9178

Enterococci test

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Idexx's Enterolerttrademark reagent detects enterococci in 24 hours or less. When used with a Quanti-TrayRegistered 2000 device, it can quantify up to 2,419 enterococci per sample without the need for dilutions. The method takes under one minute of hands-on time, it can be used on both fresh and marine waters and specifically targets enterococci, the EPA recommended indicator for ambient waters. Unlike traditional media, Enterolert reagent contains no hazardous sodium azide.

Idexx Laboratories Inc.
Westbrook, ME
Tel: 800-321-0207
Fax: 207-856-0630

Drinking water dictionary

The American Water Works Association has published a new Drinking Water Dictionary. The 500 page dictionary includes more than 15,000 terms in 41 distinct water-supply topics. The dictionary also includes an extensive list of units of measure, covering both U.S. customary and S.I. units, and a table of conversion factors. The illustrated, hardback reference includes a searchable CD-ROM for both IBM compatible and Macintosh computers.

American Water Works Association
Denver, CO
Tel: 303-347-6279

Ultrasonic leak detection

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The AccuTrak Model VPE-1000 ultrasonic leak detection system from Superior Signal Co. translates otherwise inaudible ultrasound to a lower frequency where it can be heard and analyzed. The digital instrument allows users to locate pressure/vacuum leaks, internal flow problems, leaking valves and pump cavitation. In addition, it is designed to provide a low cost method of detecting and trending worn bearings and gears in wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations.

Superior Signal Co.
Spotswood, NJ
Tel: 732-251-0800
Fax: 732-251-9442

Plug valve

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The Cam-CentricRegistered rectangular ported plug valve from Val-Matic now includes ½ in. through 2 in. sizes. Both the packing and stainless steel radial bearings are protected by grit seals in the upper and lower bearing journals. The line includes ½ in. through 36 in. in flanged, threaded and MJ end connections.

Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Corp.
Elmhurst, IL
Tel: 630-941-7600
Fax: 630-941-8042

Modeling software

Pizer has released an update for its Hydra 6 sewer modeling software. The updated software provides additional analysis settings, including variable "n", storm delay and storm analysis for worst-case scenarios. It also provides a new hydraulic calculation engine with several significant improvements. Additional reporting options include pre-formatted reports for analysis results data. The update also offers improved help file documentation including a WinHelp 2000 Explorer View window that displays contents, index and search tabs alongside topics. Keyword indexing also is expanded. Hydra models the hydraulics in municipal storm, sanitary and combined sewer systems.

Pizer Inc.
Tel: 206-634-2808
Fax: 206-634-0624

Valve actuator

Halogen Valve has introduced the new Hexacon Multi-Channel Actuator Controller. Th system uses a single microprocessor and battery to operate sequentially from three to six Eclipse actuators. The system can be used on tons or cylinders and in conjunction with the company's Simplex and Duplex units. The equipment may be used to mitigate the impact of chlorine releases as required by EPA's Risk Management Planning to minimize the feasibility of a reportable incident.

Halogen Valve Systems Inc.
Irvine, CA
Tel: 949-261-5030
Fax: 949-261-5033

Filter press

Netzsch has introduced its new generation Siderail Filter Press. The new press design comes in a wide range of model sizes, and smaller models are available from stock. Convenient access to the filter plates allows easy plate removal. Automated features include plate shifting devices, drip trays, cloth washers, cloth spreaders and scrapers, light curtains and fully automated programmable logic controls. Netzsch designs all its filter presses to produce a dry cake and clear filtrate.

Netzsch Inc.
Exton, PA
Tel: 610-363-8010
Fax: 610-363-0971

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