Severn Trent Services offers the EST™ Wet Odor Control Scrubber Systems in multi-stage and low-profile construction to treat malodorous gases emanating from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities. The Type "SOS" - SideWinder Odor Scrubber is a low profile multistage gas absorption system for capacities to 20,000 cfm. The system treats odors emanating from wastewater treatment plants, composting sites and other industrial sites that generate odors. Caustic and bleach solutions treat hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur bearing compounds. Sulfuric acid solutions treat ammonia, amines and other basic compounds.
Severn Trent Services, Colmar, PA, USA,
Odor control
Siemens Water Technologies offer a full service odor control program approach to helping wastewater collection and treatment facilities control odors. With a wide range of odor control technologies for the liquid and the vapor phase, the company can provide a single product or combination of equipment and treatment methods as well as customized service contracts. Rather than take a "one size fits all" approach, Siemens treats every customer site and application as unique, making treatment recommendations based on data collected at the site. The final treatment solution may include one or more odor control products to achieve the best results in the most cost effective way.
Siemens Water Technologies Corp.,