• New treatment plant, sewage system improves protection of local water resources in Alpine, WY
DENVER, CO, Sept. 2, 2009 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the Town of Alpine wastewater utility with the Performance and Innovation in the State Revolving Fund Creating Environmental Success (PISCES) Award for the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility and sewage collection system. A representative from the Wyoming Office of State Lands & Investments will present the award to the town on behalf of EPA on Wednesday, September 2.
Alpine used a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan to replace their wastewater treatment plant with a new, larger facility and sewage collection system. The project also addressed concerns with the inadequate construction and failure of several local septic systems. The new infrastructure is improving the quality of treated water and the protection of local groundwater and surface water resources.
"The Town of Alpine's effort to upgrade its wastewater infrastructure offers a potent example of the type of investments that will help our nation's communities protect local water resources for decades to come," said Carol Rushin, EPA's Acting Regional Administrator in Denver. "The Town has taken clear and proactive steps to improve water quality and protect public health."
EPA's PISCES Awards recognize individual projects that best represent the CWSRF's commitment to innovative and sustainable water quality financing. The nomination criteria consisted of leadership and innovation in Clean Water Act compliance and financial integrity. In addition, each borrower demonstrated a commitment to one of more of the following criteria:
• Better management practices
• Full-cost pricing
• Efficient water use
• Watershed approach
• Innovation in financing
• Innovative approach to project implementation
• Creative use of partnerships
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund programs, authorized and funded by the Clean Water Act, allow states to provide low-interest loans to wastewater systems to assist them in meeting wastewater infrastructure needs. The states then use these resources to select projects for funding.
Link to document highlighting CWSRF PISCES award winners: http://www.epa.gov/owm/cwfinance/cwsrf/cwsrf2008awards.pdf
For more information please visit EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Fund: http://www.epa.gov/owm/cwfinance/cwsrf/index.htm