At the request of the owners, the plant was recently commissioned the second time and successfully started up by ECOfluid shortly after. Utilizing the flexibility and the turn-down abilities of the USBF™ process, the plant is currently processing an estimated initial flow of 12,000 gpd (45 m³/d) in one of the two bioreactor cells (40,000 gpd ADWF each).
The plant itself is designed to be simple and straightforward to operate. It is provided with a SCADA system which allows remote plant monitoring and supervision. The state-of-the-art facility utilizes USBF™ technology, followed by microfiltration, sand filtration and UV disinfection, to produce Title 22 or Class A reclaimed water suitable for reuse. The facility, designed to treat 80,000gpd (300 m³/d) of sewage, is complete with office and lab space and emergency power supply generator.
>> Click here for more information on ECOfluid Systems Inc.