JEFFERSON CITY, MO, May 28, 2009 -- Gov. Jay Nixon announced the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has awarded the city of Gordonville in Cape Girardeau County a $252,000 Rural Sewer Grant, a $996,920 State Forty Percent Grant and a $1.5 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund Direct Loan. During tough economic times, this infusion of grants and loan funding will help Gordonville protect its citizens and the environment by making necessary wastewater improvements.
The city of Gordonville will use the grants and loan as part of a funding package to construct a new wastewater collection and treatment system. The total project is estimated to cost $2.8 million. The remaining funds will come from local funds.
Rural Sewer Grants are restricted to unsewered projects and fund collection systems. Forty Percent State Construction Grants are for the construction of wastewater collection and treatment systems. Public entities that do not qualify for a loan for the total eligible project costs from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program are eligible for the grant funding that can cover up to 40 percent of the eligible costs of a project. The Department's Direct Loan Program is available to small communities that are currently experiencing financial difficulties. The interest rates are generally 30 percent of the market rate.
The Department of Natural Resources' Water Protection Program will administer the grant funds. The Department is committed to working closely with communities to assist with funding efforts that support water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects.
For more information, contact the Department's Water Protection Program, Financial Assistance Center, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 or call 800-361-4827 or 573-751-1192.