South District Wastewater Treatment Plant
Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Noah Valenstein said, "This substantial funding and support from Administrator Wheeler and EPA is an important step forward as Miami-Dade County works to upgrade its wastewater infrastructure to eliminate its ocean outfall. We appreciate the EPA and County's commitment to improving Florida's water quality and improving critical infrastructure."
With EPA's WIFIA loan, Miami‐Dade Water and Sewer Department will construct deep injection wells at its three wastewater treatment plants to allow for the redirecting of treated wastewater from the ocean outfalls to these wells. This project is required to be completed by 2025 to comply with the State of Florida's ocean outfall legislation. This project will also increase availability of reclaimed water for potential reuse, reduce sanitary sewer overflows for the county's 2.3 million residents, increase capacity for the management of peak wet weather flows, and meet advanced wastewater treatment levels.
Miami-Dade County's project is estimated to cost $203.5 million. EPA's WIFIA loan will finance nearly half of that amount—up to $99.7 million. Additionally, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection will finance approximately $59.8 million from its State Revolving Fund. Because both the WIFIA program and the Florida State Revolving Fund loan program offer low interest rates, the county is expected to realize significant cost savings. The WIFIA loan alone will save Miami-Dade County an estimated $15.7 million compared to typical bond issuance. Project construction and operations are expected to create 95 jobs.
On March 29, 2019, EPA announced the availability of funding to provide an estimated $6 billion in WIFIA loans in 2019. Leveraging private capital and other funding sources, these projects could support $12 billion in water infrastructure investment and create more than 180,000 jobs. This year's Notice of Funding Availability highlights the agency's priority to finance projects that are ready for construction in three key areas: reducing exposure to lead and addressing emerging contaminants in drinking water systems; updating aging infrastructure; and implementing water reuse and recycling. EPA will accept letters of interest from prospective borrowers until Friday, July 5, 2019.
While in Miami, Administrator Wheeler also met with members of the American Conservation Coalition (ACC) to discuss environmental issues impacting our nation's youth. ACC was founded in June 2017 by a group of conservative millennials who saw a gap in the conservative movement when it came to the environment.
For more information about the WIFIA program, visit: