Recently: the Hollister Water Reclamation Facility was recognized with the Safety Plant of the Year Award by the Monterey Bay section of the California Water Environment Association for its commitment to ensuring the plant is operated safely for both employees and the community. (L to R, front): Adan Cervantes – Veolia, Adam Dominy - County of San Benito, Jeri Cramer – Veolia, Luis Vasquez, - Veolia, Brian DeMartini – Veolia; (back) Wilhelmina Coye - County of San Benito, Jose Rodriguez – Veolia.
HOLLISTER, CA, MARCH 7, 2019 -- The Hollister Water Reclamation Facility, which is operated and maintained by Veolia North America, has been recognized with the Safety Plant of the Year Award by the Monterey Bay section of the California Water Environment Association for its commitment to ensuring the plant is operated safely for both employees and the community.
The award is part of the CWEA's annual effort to recognize public water and wastewater facilities for outstanding performance. The Hollister plant is now eligible to win the statewide safety award at the CWEA's annual awards conference in April.
"Veolia's highest priority is the safety of the people who work for us and the communities we serve," said Bill DiCroce, Veolia North America president and CEO. "We are proud to be recognized with this award, which is a reflection of the commitment and dedication of the outstanding team of people we have in Hollister, and our strong relationship with the city's Utilities Division."
As a contracted partner with the city, Veolia operates and maintains the Hollister plant, treating domestic, commercial and industrial wastewater and producing reclaimed water for agriculture, which includes table crops such as lettuce and tomatoes, park irrigation, airport greenery and groundwater recharge.
In the eight years since Veolia assumed operations, the plant has not recorded a single safety violation -- more than 3,100 consecutive days.
The plant uses a full spectrum of safety policies and practices to ensure the highest standards are being met, including:
- Daily safety "tailgate" meetings with employees
- Monthly training exercises
- JJ Keller safety courses
- Safety First program empowering employees to act when safety issues take place
The plant has been recognized with numerous other awards in recent years, including the Plant of the Year Award from CWEA's Monterey Bay section in 2015 and 2017, and a Pacific Gas & Electric award for energy conservation efforts made by Veolia staff.