Rotary sludge dryer benefits WWTPs - saves hauling costs, helps biosolids compliance

Feb. 24, 2006
The Clearwater Cogeneration Wastewater Treatment Plant in Corona, CA, is using a Sernagiotto directly heated sludge dryer from Siemens Water Technologies to process 8 mgd of combined municipal and industrial hydraulic influent, as well as sludge, from the city's three other WWTPs...

WARRENDALE, PA, Feb. 23, 2006 -- The Clearwater Cogeneration Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Corona, CA, is using a Sernagiotto directly heated sludge dryer from the Water Technology division of the Siemens Industrial Solutions and Services Group (I&S) to process 8 million gallons per day of combined municipal and industrial hydraulic influent, as well as sludge, from the city's three other WWTPs.

USFilter's Convective Thermal Dryer (CTD) is a complete direct biosolids drying system that produces a 90% dry pelletized product and exceeds EPA 40 CFR Part 503 Class "A" requirements.

Since coming online four months ago, the dryer system has saved the Clearwater cogen plant considerable wet cake hauling costs and helped it meet USEPA's strict 40 CFR Part 503 regulation. The Sernagiotto dryer system is part of a combined system that produces electricity and dry, dewatered biosolids by using the hot exhaust gas to recover energy from the combined-cycle cogeneration turbine. This is the first Sernagiotto dryer installation in the U.S.

According to Frank Garza, plant supervisor, the dryer will reduce the normal wet cake handling to 20 percent of the present production volume and thus, save the city money. It will also prevent odors that could have been a major problem because of the plant's location within city limits.

The Clearwater cogen plant will ultimately sell all of the effluent water produced and beneficially reuse the Class A biosolids for land applications. In turn, the community will use the produced electricity, and the City of Corona will sell any excess to the electrical grid.

The dryer system is designed to evaporate 8,800 lbs of water per hour from the wet cake produced by the belt filter press dewatering system. It includes a belt conveyor system that will either direct cake to the dryer wet feed silo or to a truck loading station for disposal. The dryer contains the latest safety sub-systems based on years of experience with Siemens' European engineering and manufacturing partner, Sernagiotto. The dryer uses a regenerative thermal oxidizer that reduces the potential odor problem to harmless CO2 and water.

With headquarters in Warrendale, PA, and offices and installations around the world, USFilter ( is a $1.2 billion water company with 5,800 experienced professionals dedicated to delivering cost-effective, reliable water and wastewater treatment systems and services. It is part of Siemens Water Technologies.

Siemens Water Technologies ( delivers cost-effective, reliable water and wastewater treatment systems and services to municipal, industrial, commercial and institutional customers worldwide. The Water Technologies division is part of Siemens' Industrial Solutions and Services Group (I&S), which provides innovative solutions and services designed to improve competitiveness in processing and manufacturing industries and in infrastructure. In fiscal 2005, I&S employed a total of 31,700 people worldwide and achieved total sales of EUR 5.390 billion [US$6.424 billion].

[US$1 = EUR 0.839]

Also see:
-- "Detroit utilizes Midas OCM to remove H2S odors at collapsed sewer"
-- "New Barrier M UV Disinfection System Available for Flowrates Up to 2.33 MGD"


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