CALIFORNIA, MARCH 14, 2019 -- The Bureau of Reclamation has published a new funding opportunity for the sponsors of congressionally authorized Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse projects to request cost-shared funding for the planning, design, and/or construction of those projects.
"Water reclamation and reuse projects provide improved efficiency and flexibility during water shortages and help communities diversify their water supply," Title XVI Program Coordinator Amanda Erath said.
The funding opportunity is available at by searching for funding opportunity number BOR-DO-19-F007. Applications are due on April 22, 2019. Reclamation is making $35 million available through this funding opportunity.
This funding opportunity is only open to sponsors of the 53 congressional authorized Title XVI projects, provided that the Title XVI Project has not reached its federal funding ceiling as specified in the Title XVI Act. A separate funding opportunity for Title XVI projects eligible under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act will be released later in the fiscal year.
To learn more about the Title XVI Program, visit