The above graph compares the average water consumption over all serviced meters (green bars) against two separate meters (red and yellow bars). The data indicates higher relative usage at the two meters, especially the meter represented by the yellow color bars. This comparison can be used to settle bill disputes or investigate specific usage over the given time period.
Click here to enlarge imageThe MDM system also was designed to match the level of IT resources cities and municipal utilities have in place to ensure simplified implementation, operation and maintenance for the long term. The software easily stores and manages the millions of data points that AMI water systems collect. Access to the data across the utility, and storage of such data in a single repository, enables various parties to leverage the data for specific needs, from the meter shop, customer service, engineering, finance and managerial staff.
The MDM software runs the large amounts of data that’s collected and brought up through SaveSource through a series of smart applications. Some of the smart applications are trending analysis, either hourly or daily, to help manage compliance with conservation programs and profiling study programs; time-of-use billing for usage behavior modification; comparative analysis of usage patterns and district metering for leak detection. These applications can be applied to one meter or customer, or they can be aggregated over the entire meter base, enabling system-wide analysis. Custom analysis and reports can be written for specific attributes, depending on the provider’s requirements.
The prime example of an MDM application is water conservation management. Conservation can be achieved by either shifting flow or reducing consumption. A water provider may want to shift outdoor usage from high-evaporation periods to cooler times in the day to increase effectiveness of use. After creating a baseline of usage and implementing the program, the utility is able to use MDM applications to compare water usage, either by grouping or other variables, to determine the program’s effectiveness. Watering on even or odd days is a familiar type of conservation program and one that can be easily monitored for effectiveness and compliance with MDM software.
Time-based rates can influence consumption behavior for conservation needs and help to displace peak flows and optimize electricity consumption. To run hourly meter data against distinct hourly rates for billing requires the robust and discrete processing capabilities found in MDM software. When rate programs are synchronized with the energy suppliers peak pricing programs, water providers can benefit by a reduction in pumping needs and subsequent electricity required to run the pumps. This can lower their exposure to high energy costs associated with peak pricing periods.
“Conservation is vital and MDM is the key, with the quickest way to make an impact on our resources,” said Poulsen. “What we ultimately envision is the ability for the customer to see their usage information and respond. When the customer calls us, we will have all the granular data right in front of us instead of guessing.”
In addition to conservation efforts, Poulsen says MDM also improves customer service. Customer service representatives investigating a high-bill complaint can easily review the customer’s detailed consumption and identify specific usage over a period of time. The questioned usage can also be compared against the average for all customers or against an aggregate of neighborhood usage to determine any variance. The utility has a baseline for each customer.
System engineers benefit from MDM software with the ability to right-size meters and optimize utilization of field assets. By collecting and analyzing meter reads utilities can determine if the meter is over- or under-utilized.
A powerful aspect of the Itron MDM software is its storage capacity. The database is able to store hourly data from every customer meter for up to 10 years. This affords the water provider the ability to perform historical review and analysis on consumption and usage patterns to help manage supply issues against changes in usage and resource planning.
Much of the discussion around AMI systems is the collection and communication technology. While collecting the data and the communication network are the basis of these advanced metering systems, it is the intelligence in the software that converts the AMI data into valuable and actionable knowledge the water providers can use to help manage water usage and resources. Without meter data management software, the collected meter data is little more than a mountain of unmanageable data.
About the Author:
Peter Sanburn is a Marketing Manager for Itron Inc., based in Spokane, WA. Sanburn works directly with the Water Group and his responsibilities include developing the strategic positioning for the company’s advanced metering solutions for water.