DUBUQUE, IA, May 6, 2005 -- Before Riverside County Flood Control District called on CartêGraph Systems for software, it was tracking all of its data on a DOS-based system. In July 2004, they made the staff's lives simpler with the implementation of CartêGraph's STORMview, WORKdirector, MAPdirector, and CALLlink.
For Riverside, flexibility has been the key of its success with this new technology. It found that it was easy to customize the fields and create new recordsets. In addition to utilizing CartêGraph's robust Reporting Wizard, Riverside County was able to integrate CartêGraph software with Crystal Reports, allowing the Flood Control District to create timecards in the existing format.
"I have really enjoyed working with the software and finding new ways to be able to report the needed data to management," commented Sue Pantoja, network administrator for Riverside County Flood Control District. "When the software was first installed it was a sophisticated work management system, but in no time at all we were able to customize reports by ourselves and actually be able to use the information for billing and reporting to other agencies. We now also track employee certifications, equipment training and facility inspections."
For the first time, Riverside will be able to review a full year's worth of data when it runs reports in July. Impressed with all of the functions that the software has given them, Pantoja said that they are looking forward to adding more features such as GPS field collection.
For more information on the solutions provided for the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, visit: www.floodcontrol.co.riverside.ca.us.
CartêGraph (www.cartegraph.com), the leader in public works asset management, develops software and provides service solutions dedicated to the collection, management and analysis of asset data for public works departments. Software and service solutions are available for asset, work and request management as well as GIS integration. The company's software is used worldwide by a diverse group of over 1000 organizations including small towns, large cities, counties, states and federal agencies, and private firms.
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