DUBUQUE, IA, April 29, 2005 -- Everyday city administrators are challenged to do more work with fewer resources. CartêGraph Systems hosts free Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) seminars across the country.
The CMMS will teach departments how to track labor, equipment and material costs, create reports quickly and also have the information needed to justify the budget requirements. May seminars will be held May 5 in San Diego, Calif., May 24 in Indianapolis, Ind., and May 26 in Emeryville, Calif.
For more information on the CMMS and how to register visit CartêGraph's website at www.cartegraph.com.
CartêGraph, of Dubuque, Iowa, develops software and provides public works asset management service solutions dedicated to the collection, management and analysis of asset data for Public Works departments. Software and service solutions are available for asset, work and request management as well as GIS integration. Its software is used worldwide by a diverse group of over 1000 organizations including small towns, large cities, counties, states and federal agencies, and private firms.
In related news, see: "Santa Barbara implements CartêGraph Software for better government"