RALEIGH, NC, Apr. 5, 2011 -- As part of its advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and smart metering program, Talquin Electric Cooperative is in the process of installing iPERL residential water meters, which are read by the Sensus FlexNet communications network.
Talquin, Florida's 5th largest distribution electrical cooperative, is moving from manual water meter reads to wireless reading to improve data accuracy and timeliness and reduce the number of utility truck rolls.
The co-op is also upgrading its electric meters, installing ones equipped with remote connect and disconnect.
The smart meter installation, which will serve all 54,000 residential, commercial and industrial members in Talquin's 2,600 square mile territory, began in December 2010. The co-op estimates that installation of all electric and water meters will be complete by late 2011 to early 2012.
Talquin is one of a few co-ops nationwide to receive an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for its smart grid program.