ST. LOUIS, MO, Apr. 19, 2012 -- Lafayette Utilities System (LUS), which provides electric, water, wastewater, and telecommunications services to approximately 62,000 electric customers and 52,000 water customers in Lafayette, La., will implement the Aclara Meter Data Management (MDM) system to achieve maximum benefit from its AMI and other smart grid investments.
AMI is seen as the foundational element of LUS' Smart Grid Project, which deploys smart grid technologies to various portions of its electric system to improve reliability, facilitate customer management of energy usage and costs, assist in asset optimization, and reduce environmental impact.
Aclara's MDM provides utilities with proven, scalable meter-data storage, management, and analytics, including validation, estimation, and editing to improve the quality of data. It also offers both simple and complex pre-billing services and methods to integrate to enterprise billing applications. Its Consumer Engagement solution presents detailed information on resource usage to customers, making it easier for them to understand their bills and helping them make informed decisions on consumption.
About AclaraAclara represents the industry's leading Intelligent Infrastructure technologies for providing device networking, data-value management, and customer communications to water, gas, and electric utilities globally. Over 500 utilities in nine countries rely on proven Aclara solutions to connect with their customers. Aclara Technologies LLC is part of the Utility Solutions Group of ESCO Technologies Inc. (NYSE: ESE), St. Louis. Create Your Intelligent Infrastructure ™