• Advanced metering companies enhance product interoperability through adoption of newly published standard
LIBERTY LAKE, WA, Mar. 24, 2009 -- Elster, Trilliant and Itron Inc. announced that they have joined forces in support of C12.22, the newly published standard from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The open standard is fundamental to advanced metering, allowing for interoperability between smart devices and networks.
In a joint statement Elster, Trilliant and Itron said, "Interoperability allows utilities to utilize multiple communication networks or change communications technologies without touching the meter. In this way, we believe that open standards in general, and ANSI C12.22 in particular, help protect the investment that utilities, ratepayers and shareholders make in advanced metering."
The ANSI C12.22 open standard defines how to transmit standardized tables of meter data across wired or wireless networks using various transports such as IP. This open standard can play a vital role in unifying the information collected from advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) projects and smart grid initiatives while allowing utilities to select the communication technologies that make the most sense for their budget, objectives and service territory including:
• Itron's AMI offering, OpenWay® by Itron, and its components including the OpenWay CENTRON® meter, OpenWay Collection Engine and OpenWay Cell Relay
• Elster's EnergyAxis® AMI System and smart metering systems and solutions
• SecureMesh by Trilliant®
These products employ the ANSI C12.22 standard to support communications within their networks and with AMI-enabled meters, in-home displays, programmable communicating thermostats, load control switches, and other devices to and from the headend.
The contents and scope of ANSI C12.22 may be viewed, or a hardcopy or electronic copy purchased for $160, by visiting NEMA's website, or by contacting IHS at 800-854-7179 (within the U.S.), 303-397-7956 (international), 303-397-2740 (fax), or on the Web at global.ihs.com.
Itron Inc. is a leading technology provider to the global energy and water industries. Products include electricity, gas and water meters; data collection and communication systems, including automated meter reading (AMR) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI); meter data management and related software applications; as well as project management, installation, and consulting services.
Elster, a global leader in smart metering and smart grid solutions has delivered over 2 million smart metering devices worldwide with systems located in North America, Europe, Central America, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean. Elster smart metering system solutions provide utilities with energy conservation capabilities via demand response programs, smart grid applications, and operational efficiencies resulting in significant value creation across the utility enterprise.
Trilliant Incorporated provides hardware, software and service solutions that deliver on the promise of Advanced Metering and Smart Grid to utilities and their customers including improved energy efficiency, grid reliability, lower operating cost, and integration of renewable energy resources. Since its original founding in 1985, Trilliant has been a leading innovator in the delivery and implementation of energy management systems, including advanced utility wireless data collection for residential and commercial customers, demand response, time-of-use billing, and critical peak pricing initiatives.