ST. LOUIS, MO, June 3, 2009 -- Although many meetings and conferences have suffered with the difficult economy, the recently concluded Aclara™ Client Conference drew over 400 customers to St. Louis to participate in education programs and drive the future of Aclara products. The conference is the premier education and networking event for clients of the Aclara STAR® Network system, TWACS® technology, and Aclara Software™ applications.
This year's conference offered over 50 sessions across three technical tracks as well as six webinars open to customers who could not attend in St. Louis. Customers were encouraged to participate in discussions to share best practices and put together recommendations and action plans to improve Aclara products and services. In addition, clients were briefed on upcoming product enhancements and developments.
Conference participants discussed how the country is on the cusp of a new economic era, with the anticipated build out of Intelligent Infrastructure™ by utilities in the electric, gas, and water industries replacing the petroleum economy as the engine of innovation and economic growth. Presentations and sessions focused on how Aclara networking solutions are helping utilities meet their requirements for developing an Intelligent Infrastructure for immediate and future requirements.
The Aclara Client conference continues to grow as customers realize the value in being able to network with other users, evaluate product performance, and recommend improvements to products and services. The next Aclara Client Conference is scheduled for May 10-13, 2010 in St. Louis.
The Aclara brand represents the industry's leading Intelligent Infrastructure™ technologies for providing device networking, data-value management, and customer communications to water, gas, and electric utilities globally.