• Deploying advanced metering infrastructure and meter data management system
BURLINGTON, MA, Oct. 21, 2009 -- KEMA is assisting the City of Glendale, California with its implementation of an advanced metering infrastructure and meter data management system (AMI / MDMS). The project is a first step in Glendale Water & Power's smart grid roadmap.
Glendale Water & Power (GWP) will be replacing all of its electric meters, which serve over 100,000 customers, with smart meters enabled with two-way communications, and automating their 35,000 water meters to communicate over a secure wireless network. The new smart metering infrastructure and data management system will support home area networks (HAN) to communicate with home appliances; heating; ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems; pool pumps; and in-home energy displays. Customers will also have Internet-accessible portals to view their electric and water usage.
"AMI / MDMS is a transformational effort that is redefining the way utilities interact with their customers, improve operations and leverage detailed service point information within the organization," said Rob Wilhite, senior vice president, KEMA Inc. "Ultimately, the GWP Smart Grid Project will connect customers to the grid in new, more dynamic ways. When fully implemented, customers will be better enabled to make sustainable energy use choices and manage their utility costs -- all while supporting a more reliable distribution system and reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
With full installation planned for completion in 2011, GWP customers will have access to timely energy and water use information that will help them to better manage their consumption and utility costs. The new AMI / MDMS system will have the flexibility to integrate enhanced and new advanced grid capabilities, as they become available or feasible for integration. In addition to technical modernization and smart grid capabilities, the project will enable GWP to make ongoing improvements in customer service, service reliability, and revenue management.
Through its project management role, KEMA is proving technical assistance and support to the GWP smart grid development team in implementing the AMI / MDMS system. Areas of expertise and advice that KEMA is providing include:
-- project management and documentation
-- administering and reporting any federal or state grant funds received
-- disaster recovery planning
-- defining and conducting system-level testing
-- system and integration requirements, analysis and design
-- change management
-- training and knowledge transfer
-- realizing system benefits enterprise-wide
-- customer outreach and education.
KEMA also assisted GWP in its application for up to $20 million in US Department of Energy AMI-Smart Grid grant funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to help implement the AMI / MDMS project and smart grid development.
About KEMA
Founded in 1927, KEMA is a global provider of business and technical consulting, operational support, measurement and inspection, testing and certification for the energy and utility industry. With world headquarters in Arnhem, the Netherlands, KEMA employs more than 2,000 professionals globally and has offices in 20 countries. KEMA's US subsidiary, KEMA Inc., is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts and serves energy clients throughout the Americas and Caribbean.
About Glendale Water & Power
Glendale Water & Power (www.GlendaleWaterandPower.com) is the City of Glendale's utility. Glendale Water & Power provides water to 33,400 customers in Glendale, California. The city-owned utility also generates, transmits, and distributes electricity to 84,500 residential, commercial, and industrial customers.