Garden Grove, CA, deploys H2OMAP Sewer for improved capital and business planning

July 1, 2009
BROOMFIELD, CO, July 1, 2009 -- The City of Garden Grove, California, has selected MWH Soft's H2OMAP Sewer for its comprehensive wastewater facilities master plan...

• MWH Soft advanced geospatial modeling technology expands in Southern California's 'City of Youth and Ambition'

BROOMFIELD, CO, July 1, 2009 -- MWH Soft, a leading global provider of environmental and water resources applications software, today announced that the City of Garden Grove, California, has selected MWH Soft's H2OMAP Sewer for its comprehensive wastewater facilities master plan. The decision is yet another indication of MWH Soft's market-leading momentum in advanced geospatial hydraulic infrastructure modeling and management solutions in North America.

Located in the north central area of Orange County, California, less than one mile from Disneyland, seven miles from Knott's Berry Farm, and nine miles from local beaches, the City of Garden Grove covers nearly 20 square miles and serves a population of about 172,040. It maintains and services over 312 miles of sewer lines, 9,700 manholes, and four lift stations. Once wastewater passes through the City's sewer system, the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) is responsible for its treatment. The treated water is then recycled for commercial use (reclaimed water), or deposited back into the ocean.

"Effectively managing our sewer collection system requires sophisticated analysis and GIS integration capabilities -- and H2OMAP Sewer builds on the advantages we gained with our switch to H2OMAP Water software," said David Entsminger, Water Services Manager for the City's Public Works Department. "For us, MWH Soft's H2OMAP software suite is the clear choice. Its ease of use, superbly engineered GIS interface, incredible speed and numerical stability, and comprehensive modeling functionality are all exceptional. The product's reputation in the market, its customer satisfaction rate, and the overall strength and technical expertise of the company are also very compelling. We look forward to fully leveraging this superior technology to optimize our capital improvement program and continue to deliver outstanding service to our customers."

Developed and supported by industry experts, H2OMAP Sewer is used worldwide by municipal engineers and planners to create detailed, accurate models of sewer infrastructure systems. These models enable users to evaluate the effect of new developments, zoning changes, and other additional loads on system flows; pinpoint current and future problem areas; and quickly determine the most cost-effective design, rehabilitation and operational improvements to achieve optimum performance. Users also rely on these models to compute hydrogen sulfide generation and corrosion potential; analyze the rate of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) exertion; track sediment movement and deposition; calculate the amount of pollutants transported to the wastewater treatment plant; and assess the impact of pollutants on receiving waters. The application also features vital tools for meeting and exceeding environmental regulations and improving community relations.

"The primary breakthrough of all MWH Soft advanced geospatial modeling and design technology is that it allows any size utility to quickly gain superior business advantages without a huge expenditure," said J. Erick Heath, PE, Vice President of Sales and Client Relations at MWH Soft. "The reasons for Garden Grove's adoption of the MWH Soft geospatial solution parallel the experience of customers worldwide who are finding that MWH Soft technology is the ultimate solution for comprehensive engineering GIS infrastructure modeling and management."

"The City of Garden Grove clearly understands how to use sewer modeling and GIS information to its competitive advantage," said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D, President and COO of MWH Soft. "The City's decision to enlist MWH Soft in solving an enterprise-wide challenge further validates our commitment to helping utility companies worldwide use geospatial and modeling data to optimize system performance, management and customer service. Our software enables users to complete better projects faster than ever before, with a whole new level of interactivity. That gives them an unbeatable competitive advantage that helps them to thrive. We're proud to know our H2OMAP advanced modeling solution will be helping the Garden Grove build a foundation for success in the decades to come."

MWH Soft is a leading global provider of technical and infrastructure software and professional solutions designed to meet the technological needs of utilities, government industries, and engineering organizations worldwide.


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