One of the technical presentations at ACE11 will focus on long-term water management strategy being developed by Loudoun Water to meet the future needs of its customers. (Photo credit: Black & Veatch)
The presentation will address the process to plan for and secure permits to construct a new Potomac River intake, pumping station, and water transmission and treatment facilities, in addition to the conversion of a rock quarry for raw water storage.
A desktop evaluation was conducted to identify the preferred program concept, and more detailed resource inventories were performed to quantify potential impacts to cultural and natural resources. Proactive installation of pipe sleeves under newly constructed roadways; use of pre-design evaluations to minimize impacts during construction; and collaboration with Loudoun County business partners to maximize the benefits associated with the project were combined to satisfy local, state, and federal needs in a responsive, transparent, and sustainable manner.
Other papers being presented by the global engineering, consulting, and construction company will touch on zero liquid discharge desalination, utility-wide strategic energy planning, and climate change adaptation strategies, to name a few.
ZLD Desalination of Brackish Water with an Innovative Form of Electrodialysis
In this June 15 presentation, Rick Bond, a Black & Veatch Water Technology Process Engineer, will discuss a new electrodialysis technology, referred to as electrodialysis metathesis (EDM), for zero liquid discharge (ZLD) desalination of brackish water. In Water Research Foundation Project #4163 Bond conducted research to evaluate the process using EDM with the goal of reducing costs and energy requirements for ZLD desalination. Characteristics of EDM create advantages with decreased fouling potential. In his presentation, Bond will discuss the EDM technology, pilot-scale test results, and evaluations of full-scale treatment costs and energy requirements for this ZLD method.