In other news below, see:
-- Army Corps improves approach to water resources planning
-- Mattson/Witt Precision Products buys Alamo Water's Barrington, Ill., operations
-- Insituform Technologies announces two executive promotions
-- Parsons appoints Albrecht to head new construction group
R.W. Beck, Mott MacDonald sign joint venture agreement
BOSTON, June 27, 2005, (PRNewswire) -- Management consulting and engineering firm R.W. Beck, Inc. and engineering, management and development consultancy Mott MacDonald Group have formed a joint venture, Beck-Mott MacDonald Power Systems, to offer a wider range of services to the electric power industry...
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Parsons appoints Albrecht to head new construction group
PASADENA, CA, June 27, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- New global business unit will combine assets, resources of Parsons Constructors Inc., Parsons Evergreene and Parsons RCI. It will focus on construction of water, transportation, infrastructure, and civil projects as well as environmental site remediation, and residential and commercial development...
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Insituform Technologies announces two executive promotions
ST. LOUIS, June 26, 2005 -- Promotes Thomas E. Vossman from area vice president for U.S. Southwest to senior vice president and chief operating officer. It also promotes Tim Minahan from chief information officer to vice president and chief information officer...
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Mattson/Witt Precision Products buys Alamo Water's Barrington, Ill., operations
BARRINGTON, IL, June 27, 2005 -- Mattson/Witt Precision Products Inc. announced Friday it purchased the assets of Alamo Water Refiners Inc., Barrington, Ill., operations. The company, which specializes in manufactured plastic component solutions for the water treatment industry, will now be doing business under the Mattson/Witt name. Alamo Water Refiners was sold last week by the Marmon Water Group to Watts Water Technologies...
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Army Corps improves approach to water resources planning
WASHINGTON, DC, June 27, 2005 -- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers formalizes, improves its peer review and collaborative planning processes with release of two new engineering circulars. External peer review will be conducted to identify, explain and comment upon assumptions that underlie economic, engineering, and environmental analyses, as well as to evaluate the soundness of models and planning methods...
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In earlier newsbriefs, see:
-- "WaterBriefs: MWH expands Los Angeles-based engineering staff by 18" -- Also in this report (June 23, 2005): URS awarded up to $20 million U.S. Navy environmental contract; San Diego area treatment plant resumes full operation after malfunction; Industries honored by LA sanitation districts; Ozone Safe Food Inc. showcases technology at Food Pro 2005 in Australia; Calif. DWR, State Water Board releases step two of Prop 50 water grants process; ACWA energy expert addresses California Energy Commission workshop; LADWP adds energy efficiency, environmental programs to budget; New Bio-Solutions franchise opens in S.C.; Ore. student to represent U.S. in Stockholm Jr. Water Prize competition...