(From Left): Kenneth L. Kimmell (MassDEP Commissioner), Jeff Haydock (Waterline Industries), Al Leblanc (Camp, Dresser and McKee), Chris Pompi (Town of Lee DPW Director), Michael Towler (Town of Lee WTP Chief Operator) and Curt Spalding (EPA Region 1 Administrator)
LEE, MA, Apr. 26, 2011 -- An energy efficiency project at a Lee, Massachusetts, water treatment facility has been recognized with the state's 2010 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Award.
The project was part of Massachusett's Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and MassDEP's Green Infrastructure Program, created in 2007 to set an example for future renewable endeavors. The program's first initiative was an audit pilot program with seven drinking water and seven wastewater treatment facilities to confirm that upgrades to these facilities would reduce the amount of energy used, money spent and greenhouse gasses emitted.
In 2009, upon completion of the successful pilot program, 10 water and 11 wastewater facilities were granted a total of $69.2M to use towards achieving renewable and energy efficient goals. The Lee, MA, Water Treatment Facility was one of these projects.