HARRISBURG, PA, July 14, 2009 -- Governor Edward G. Rendell today announced a new grant program for local government and non-profit entities seeking to conserve or reduce energy use. PA Conservation Works! will provide up to $250,000 for individual projects and $500,000 for joint projects designed to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs by at least 25 percent.
"Many smaller, local government and non-profit groups are interested in reducing their energy use and saving money. They have shovel-ready projects, but may be hampered by a lack of funding because of the economy," said Governor Rendell. "Through President Obama's Recovery Act we can infuse up to $250,000 to help make these projects a reality. Additionally, a 25 percent reduction in energy-related costs means local governments and communities will have more money to dedicate to other projects."
PA Conservation Works! is a competitive grant program funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and is open to Pennsylvania boroughs, townships and cities with fewer than 35,000 residents and counties with fewer than 200,000 residents. Sixty percent of the program's $22.2 million is reserved for local governments not eligible for direct formula grants from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program. Renewable energy projects will also be eligible if they replace at least 25 percent of a building's or entity's energy use. All projects must create jobs, be able to start work within six months and be completed prior to Sept. 30, 2011.
"The name says it all when describing this program," said Governor Rendell. "The less energy we use, the less energy we have to generate. The more energy we generate using clean, renewable technologies, the cleaner our environment will be and the stronger our economy will become."
"Federal recovery money is making a difference in Pennsylvania," Governor Rendell said. "Our citizens are ambitious and innovative. They have great ideas on how to conserve energy, make our environment cleaner, put people to work, stimulate the economy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. PA Conservation Works! will help do that."
>> Click here for program guidelines and additional information
Applications will be accepted beginning July 17 and must be submitted through the Environmental eGrants system. The application deadline is August 14.