Corrosion within wastewater treatment plants caused by dangerous and corrosive elements like hydrogen sulfides, chlorides and sulfates can drastically affect a company’s bottom line, not to mention pose a threat to safety and the structural integrity of the conduits themselves.
Material selection for wastewater treatment systems is paramount to safe, smooth operations, choosing materials that can enhance the durability of electrical conduits. New innovations and technologies such as PVC-coated conduits, as well as legacy solutions like hot-dipped galvanized threads or conductive brand-name materials such as Kopr-Shield™ for steel or Aluma-Shield™ for aluminum can also be cost-effective, safe solutions for corrosion.
In the paper, which can be accessed by clicking here, we discuss the advantages of corrosion-resistant electrical conduits for wastewater treatment plants, as well as how to optimize your investment in the conduits, giving them a longer life span by choosing the correct materials for the correct situation. We also discuss which materials are most susceptible to corrosion, and steps that can be taken to avoid recurring problems.