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  • Volume 23, Issue 12
  • Volume 23, Issue 12

    Th 269330
    Infrastructure Funding

    Water Market Strong for Engineering, Consulting Firms

    Dec. 1, 2007
    Business is good for engineers working in the municipal water industry. Given the huge demand for engineering services driven by aging infrastructure...
    Th 269513
    Infrastructure Funding

    The “Gravi-Force” Is With You: Using Gravity to Optimize Costs

    Dec. 1, 2007
    The City of Lincoln, NE, is growing, and its infrastructure systems are not keeping pace in critical community areas.
    Th 269314
    Infrastructure Funding

    Utility Executives Meeting Infrastructure Challenge

    Dec. 1, 2007
    Water utilities across the country are challenged by the huge task of repairing and replacing aging infrastructure...
    Th 269332
    Infrastructure Funding

    Contractors Upbeat about Booming Water Market

    Dec. 1, 2007
    U.S. drinking water and wastewater construction contractors are unguardedly optimistic about their business prospects in the forseeable future.

    More content from Volume 23, Issue 12

    Th 269388
    Energy Management

    Operating Pumps Close to Best Efficiency Flow Rates Extends Life

    Dec. 1, 2007
    Another way that the Best-of-Class users reduce the Life Cycle Costs of their pump installations is by selecting pumps and designing pump systems that will force the pumps to ...
    Th 269317
    Wastewater Treatment

    Product Showcase

    Dec. 1, 2007
    ScaleBlaster is an electronic de-scaling system designed to eliminate formation of lime scale deposits in water pipes...
    Th 269427
    Wastewater Treatment

    New Products

    Dec. 1, 2007
    GE Water & Process Technologies, a unit of General Electric Co., has enhanced its Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) solutions for water and wastewater treatment applications.