MILWAUKEE, WI, April 9, 2015 -- Today, Badger Meter, a global manufacturer of flow measurement and control solutions, announced that it has become an associate partner of the Smart Cities Council (SCC), a coalition of industry thought leaders, innovators and practitioners dedicated to improving the livability, workability and sustainability of the world's cities (see "Industry leaders launch of Smart Cities Council").
Rapidly growing populations in urban areas with aging infrastructure and a rising demand for limited resources is creating new challenges to improve daily life in cities. The SCC envisions a world where digital technology and intelligent design have been harnessed to create smart, sustainable cities with high-quality living and high-quality jobs, promoting livability, workability and sustainability.
Since 1905, Badger Meter has been serving water utilities and municipalities with end-to-end solutions that help them generate needed revenue, monitor and conserve their resources and help them better serve their valued end-water customers. The company's municipal water solutions include a comprehensive mechanical and electronic metering line, proven AMR/AMI/AMA technology and the powerful analytics tools.
The newest Badger Meter offering, BEACON® advanced metering analytics (AMA), is ideal for smart cities. The solution combines the power of the BEACON AMA software suite with proven ORION® advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology to provide greater control, more information and enhanced customer service. This approach allows utilities to use a combination of traditional fixed or cellular metering endpoints to deliver simple, yet powerful decision-making information, without the time and expense of managing their own fixed network.
See also:
"Smart Cities Council adds four companies to roster of partners"
"Smart Water: A Key Building Block of the Smart City of the Future"
About the Smart Cities Council
The Smart Cities Council is the trusted advisor to equip cities with tools and knowledge to cope with expanding populations, shrinking budgets and aging infrastructure. It is comprised of the world's foremost smart city practitioners advised by unbiased, independent experts, including top universities, national laboratories, standards bodies, climate advocacy groups and development banks. The Council's goal is to accelerate the growth of smart cities worldwide by providing city leaders with best practices and vendor-neutral guidance on technology, finance, policy and, citizen engagement. For more information, visit